Classification II Lab: Working with classifiers

In this lab session we are going to deep in our knowledge about classifiers by managing most well-known classification algorithms. Besides, we are going to review some useful techniques, such as the cross validation process, which will allow us to adjust the free parameters of the classifier. For this lab session, we will work with a real multiclass data set: Iris.

During this lab we will cover:

Part 1: K-Nearest Neighbours (K-NN)

Part 2: Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with different kernel funcions

Part 3: Other linear classifiers

As in previous lab session, to implement the different approaches we will base in Scikit-Learn python toolbox.

Part 0: Load and prepare the data

The Iris data set consists of 150 patterns corresponding to 3 different types of irises: Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica. Each pattern contains the sepal and petal lengths and widths. Despite having four input features, for display purposes, we are going to start working with the first two features: sepal length and sepal width.

The below code let you:

  • create training and testing partitions with the 60% and 40% of the original data
  • normalize the data to zero mean and unitary standard deviation

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Initialize the random generator seed to compare results

# Load Iris data set
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =[:,[ 1, 3]]  # we only take the first two features.
Y =

# Create data partitions
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=.6)

# Normalize the data
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

Part 1: K-NN

A K-NN approach classifies each new data searching its K nearest neighbors (among the training data) and assigning the majority class among these neighbors. As expected, its performance depends on the number of neighbors (K) used.

1.1: Training a K-NN classifier

To start to work, let's analyze for different values of K the K-NN performance, both over training and test sets. Use the KNeighborsClassifier() method to complete the below code.

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

from sklearn import neighbors

rang_K = np.arange(1, K_max+1)

for n_neighbors in rang_K:
    # Create a KNN classifier, train it and compute training and error accuracies.
    clf = #<FILL IN>
    acc_tr = #<FILL IN>
    acc_test = #<FILL IN>
    # Saving accuracies in a list 
    vect_tr#<FILL IN>
    vect_test#<FILL IN>

    print("For K = %d, train accuracy is %2.2f%% and test accuracy is %2.2f%%"
          % (n_neighbors, 100*acc_tr, 100*acc_test))

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(np.round(np.sum(np.array(vect_tr)),2), 18.90, 'incorrect result: Training error of K-NN is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(np.sum(np.array(vect_test)),2), 18.37, 'incorrect result: Test error of K-NN is uncorrect')

Next code, let you plot the evolution of above computed train and test accuracies.

In [ ]:
#Plot acc vs K
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(rang_K,vect_tr,'b', label='Training accuracy')
plt.plot(rang_K,vect_test,'r', label='Test accuracy')
plt.xlabel('K value')
plt.title('Evolution of K-NN accuracy')

This figure points out the necessity of selecting the adequate value of K. And, as expected, using the training error for such selection would provide a poor generalization.

1.2: Selecting the number of neighbors of a K-NN classifier

Therefore, next step will consist of applying a cross validation (CV) process to select the optimum value of K. You can use the GridSearchCV( ) function to implement it.

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV

# Parameters
K_max = 20
rang_K = np.arange(1, K_max+1)
nfold = 10
# Define a dictionary with the name of the parameters to explore as a key and the ranges to explores as value
tuned_parameters = [{'n_neighbors': rang_K}]

# Cross validation proccess 
clf_base = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier( )
# Define the classfifier with the CV process (use GridSearchCV here with cv = nfold!!!)
clf = #<FILL IN>
# Train it (this executes the CV)
clf.#<FILL IN>

print 'CV process sucessfully finished'

After running the CV process, the classifier object contains the information of the CV process (next cell explore the parameter ".grid_scores_" to obtain this information).

In [ ]:
# Printing results
print("Cross validation results:")
for params, mean_score, scores in clf.grid_scores_:
    print("For K = %d, validation accuracy is %2.2f (+/-%1.3f)%%" 
          % (params['n_neighbors'], 100*mean_score, 100*scores.std() / 2))

# Selecting validation error (mean values)
vect_val=[CV_result[1] for CV_result in clf.grid_scores_]

# Ploting results
plt.plot(rang_K,vect_tr,'b', label='Training accuracy')
plt.plot(rang_K,vect_test,'r', label='Test accuracy')
plt.plot(rang_K,vect_val,'g', label='Validation accuracy')
plt.xlabel('K value')
plt.title('Evolution of K-NN accuracy (including validation result)')

Examine the fields ".best_estimator_" and ".best_params_" of the classifier generated by the CV process:

  • ".best_estimator_" contains the final classifier trained with this select value.
  • ".best_params_" is a dictionary with the selected parameters. In our example, "best_params_['n_neighbors']" would provide the selected value of K.

Save the selected value of K in variable denoted "K_opt" and compute the test error of the final classifier.

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

# Assign to K_opt the value of K selected by CV
K_opt = # <FILL IN>
print("The value optimum of K is %d" %(K_opt))

# Select the final classifier  and compute its test error
KNN_acc_test = # <FILL IN>
print("The test accuracy is %2.2f" %(100*KNN_acc_test))

Note that you can also compute the test error directly over the classifier object return by the CV process

In [ ]:
KNN_acc_test2 = clf.score(X_test, Y_test)
print("The test accuracy is %2.2f" %(100*KNN_acc_test2))

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(K_opt, 6, 'incorrect result: The value of K_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(KNN_acc_test,4), 0.9444, 'incorrect result: Test error of K-NN after CV process is uncorrect')

  Advanced work

Complete the following code to implement the CV process without using GridSearchCV().

In [1]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold

# Parameters
K_max = 20
rang_K = np.arange(1, K_max+1)
nfold = 10
N_tr, N_dim = X_train.shape

# Create data partitions (check the structure of folds)
folds = StratifiedKFold(Y_train, n_folds=nfold, shuffle=True)

# Create variable (acc_val) to save the validation results
acc_val = np.zeros([nfold, K_max])
for f, (train, val) in enumerate(folds):
    # f is an index with the number of fold
    # train has the training data positions for fold f
    # val has the validation data positions for fold f
    # Create training and validation partitions for fold f
    X_tr_f = # <FILL IN>
    Y_tr_f = # <FILL IN>
    X_val_f = # <FILL IN>
    Y_val_f = # <FILL IN>

    # Explore the values of K
    for K, n_neighbors in enumerate(rang_K):
        # Train a K-NN with the training data of this fold data using n_neighbors
        clf = # <FILL IN>
        # Evaluate its accuaracy over the validation data of this fold and save it in acc_val
        acc_val[f, K] = # <FILL IN>

# Compute the average validation error (average over the different folds)
acc_val_med = # <FILL IN>
# Select the optimum value of K as the value which achieves the maximum average validation error
K_opt = # <FILL IN>

# Train the final K-NN classfier (with K_opt) and obtain its test error
clf = # <FILL IN>
acc_test = # <FILL IN>

print "K_NN with optimum K = " + np.array_str(K_opt) + \
    ". Test error = " + np.array_str(acc_test)

  File "<ipython-input-1-09f6e51a5585>", line 25
    X_tr_f = # <FILL IN>
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(K_opt, 6, 'incorrect result: The value of K_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(KNN_acc_test,4), 0.9444, 'incorrect result: Test error of K-NN after CV process is uncorrect')

1.3: Plotting K-NN classification boundary

To finish this section, we are going to plot classification boundary of the K-NN classifier. For this purpose, next cell contains the plot_boundary function used in the first lab session. Use this function to plot the classification boundary of the cross validated K-NN classifier over training and test data.

In [ ]:
# Plot the decision boundary
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_boundary(clf, X, Y, plt):
    """Plot the classification regions for a given classifier.

        clf: scikit-learn classifier object.
        X (numpy dnarray): training or test data to be plotted (number data x number dimensions). Only frist two 
                            dimensions are ploted
        Y (numpy dnarray): labels of the training or test data to be plotted (number data x 1).
        plt: graphic object where you wish to plot                                             

    plot_colors = "brymc"
    plot_step = 0.02
    n_classes = np.unique(Y).shape[0]
    # Plot the decision regions
    x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1
    y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step),
                        np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step))

    Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)
    cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z,

    plt.xlabel('Feature 1')
    plt.ylabel('Feature 2')

    # Plot the training points
    for i, color in zip(range(n_classes), plot_colors):
        idx = np.where(Y == i)
        plt.scatter(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], c=color,


In [ ]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
# Plot classification boundary over training data
plot_boundary(clf, X_train, Y_train, plt)

# Plot classification boundary over test data
plot_boundary(clf, X_test, Y_test, plt)

Part 2: SVM

SVM is one of the most well-known classifiers due to its good generalization properties in many different applications. Besides, by means of the kernel trick, its linear formulation can easily extended to a non linear fashion.

Here, we will test its performance when different kernel functions are used. For this purpose, we can use the SCV( ) method, which let you select the kernel function to be used, and the method GridSearchCV( ) to adjust the different free parameters (C and kernel parameter).

Complete the following cells, when it is required, to train in each case a linear SVM (defining kernel='linear' in the method SCV( )), an SVM with gaussian kernel (kernel='rbf') and an SVM with polynomial kernel (kernel='poly').

For each method, adjust the corresponding free parameters with a 10 fold CV process (the ranges to explore are defined at the beginning of each cell). Return the values of selected parameters and the accuracy of the final SVM.

2.1: Linear SVM

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

from sklearn import svm
rang_C = np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)
tuned_parameters = [{'C': rang_C}]

nfold = 10

# Train a liner SVM and adjust by CV the parameter C
clf_base = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
lin_svc  = # <FILL IN> 
lin_svc.# <FILL IN> 

# Save the value of C selected and compute the final accuracy
C_opt = # <FILL IN> 
acc_lin_svc = # <FILL IN> 

print "The C value selected is " + str(C_opt)
print("The test accuracy of the linear SVM is %2.2f" %(100*acc_lin_svc))

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(np.round(C_opt,2), 0.46, 'incorrect result: The value of C_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(acc_lin_svc,4), 0.9556, 'incorrect result: Test accuracy of the linear SVM after CV process is uncorrect')

2.2: SVM with gaussian kernel

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
rang_g=np.array([1./8, 1./4, 1./2, 1, 2, 4, 8])/(np.sqrt(n_dim))
tuned_parameters = [{'C': rang_C, 'gamma': rang_g}]

# Train an SVM with gaussian kernel and adjust by CV the parameter C
clf_base = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf')
rbf_svc  = # <FILL IN> 
rbf_svc. # <FILL IN> 
# Save the values of C and gamma selected and compute the final accuracy
C_opt = # <FILL IN> 
g_opt = # <FILL IN> 

print "The C value selected is " + str(C_opt)
print "The gamma value selected is " + str(g_opt)
acc_rbf_svc = rbf_svc.score(X_test, Y_test)
print("The test accuracy of the RBF SVM is %2.2f" %(100*acc_rbf_svc))

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(np.round(C_opt, 2), 2.15, 'incorrect result: The value of C_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(g_opt, 2), 0.09, 'incorrect result: The value of g_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(acc_rbf_svc, 4), 0.9444, 'incorrect result: Test accuracy of the rbf SVM after CV process is uncorrect')

2.3. SVM with polynomial kernel

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

tuned_parameters = [{'C': rang_C, 'degree': rang_d}]

# Train an SVM with polynomial kernel and adjust by CV the parameter C
clf_base =  svm.SVC(kernel='poly')
poly_svc  = # <FILL IN> 
poly_svc.# <FILL IN> 

# Save the values of C and degree selected and compute the final accuracy
C_opt = # <FILL IN> 
d_opt = # <FILL IN> 

print "The C value selected is " + str(C_opt)
print "The degree value selected is " + str(d_opt)
acc_poly_svc = poly_svc.score(X_test, Y_test)
print("The test accuracy of the polynomial SVM is %2.2f" %(100*acc_poly_svc))

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(np.round(C_opt, 2), 10 , 'incorrect result: The value of C_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(d_opt, 2), 3, 'incorrect result: The value of d_opt is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(acc_poly_svc, 4), 0.9111, 'incorrect result: Test accuracy of the polynomial SVM after CV process is uncorrect')

2.4. Plot the classification boundaries and support vectors

The SVM decision function depends on some subset of the training data, called the support vectors. In this section we are going to compare the boundaries provided by the different kernel functions and study which training points are support vectors.

As in previous sections, you can use the plot_boundary( ) function to display the decision regions. To obtain the support vectors, you can access to the parameters "support_vectors_" of the svm classifier object. Add the necessary code to include them in the figure.

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

plt.figure(1,figsize=(10, 4))

# Linear SVM 
plot_boundary(lin_svc , X_train, Y_train, plt)
plt.title ('SVM boundary and training data')
plot_boundary(lin_svc , X_train, Y_train, plt)
SVs=# <FILL IN> 
plt.scatter(# <FILL IN> )
plt.title ('SVM boundary, training data and SVs')

plt.figure(2,figsize=(10, 4))
plot_boundary(rbf_svc , X_train, Y_train, plt)
plt.title ('SVM boundary and training data')
plot_boundary(rbf_svc , X_train, Y_train, plt)
SVs=# <FILL IN> 
plt.scatter(# <FILL IN> )
plt.title ('SVM boundary, training data and SVs')

plt.figure(3,figsize=(10, 4))
# Polynomial SVM 
plot_boundary(poly_svc , X_train, Y_train, plt)
plt.title ('SVM boundary and training data')
plot_boundary(poly_svc , X_train, Y_train, plt)
SVs=# <FILL IN> 
plt.scatter(# <FILL IN> )
plt.title ('SVM boundary, training data and SVs')

Note that the boundaries of linear and RBF SVMs and, even, their SVs are quite similar. Examine the value selected for the parameter gamma of the gaussian kernel and try to explain because RBF SVM boundary tends to be linear.

Part 3: other linear classifiers

Include the necessary code to train and test a classifier based in:

  1. A logistic regression model: in thiscase adjust the C parameter by CV
  2. Linear Discrimation Analysis

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

# Logistic regression
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

rang_C = np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)
tuned_parameters = [{'C': rang_C}]
nfold = 10

# Train a LR model and adjust by CV the parameter C
clf_LR  = GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(),
                   tuned_parameters, cv=nfold)
clf_LR.# <FILL IN> 
acc_test_LR=# <FILL IN> 

# LDA 
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
clf_LDA = LDA()
clf_LDA.# <FILL IN> 
acc_test_LDA=# <FILL IN> 

print("The test accuracy of LR is %2.2f" %(100*acc_test_LR))
print("The test accuracy of LDA is %2.2f" %(100*acc_test_LDA))

In [ ]:
from test_helper import Test

# TEST accuracy values
Test.assertEquals(np.round(100*acc_test_LR, 2), 87.78 , 'incorrect result: The value of acc_test_LR is uncorrect')
Test.assertEquals(np.round(100*acc_test_LDA, 2), 96.67, 'incorrect result: The value of acc_test_LDA is uncorrect')

Include the necessary code to plot their classification boundaries

In [ ]:
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code

plt.figure(1,figsize=(10, 4))

# LR
plot_boundary(# <FILL IN> )
plt.title ('LR')
plot_boundary(# <FILL IN> )
plt.title ('LDA')